In the last few day, I spend a lot of time to figure out and learn how MongoDB works and what is the best solution to fill a collection with millions of records (documents). To be more precise, I want to store unique strings and some other data related to that strings. One should be able to search for values in all fields, therefore I set indexes for all of them and a unique one for the strings.
Since I want to insert a lot of records, I thought it would be a good idea to use batch_insert
(see API Documentation for Perl driver), which would insert each document in an array into the database. It turned out very fast that I have to check for duplicate strings because batch-insert
breaks immediately when it gets an error from the unique index and does not insert the remaining documents. I ended up with something like the following, which does what it should but I had a bad feeling and started to profile that code.
while() {
chomp(my $string = $_);
next if defined($mongo_coll->find_one({ plaintext => $string }));
push(@documents, {
"plaintext" => "$string",
"foo" => "bar",
if ( $counter == $max_inserts ) {
@hashes=(); $counter=1;
sub mdb_batch_insert {
my $documents_ref = shift;
my $err = $mongo_db->last_error();
unless ( $err->{ok} eq 1 and not defined($err->{err}) ) {
For profiling (using Devel::SmallProf) and benchmarking I inserted the same 100000 documents twice into an empty collection. Doing so, I have got results for inserts without collisions with unique index and no inserts or inserts with 100% collisions.
The results pointed out that a lot of time was wasted with checking for duplicates and errors. I started to play around with other ways to insert data and was surprised to see that the easiest approach is also the fastest: Since MongoDB takes automatically care of duplicates, it is possible to just insert each document separately without checking for errors.
while () {
chomp( my $plaintext = $_ );
"plaintext" => "$string",
"foo" => "bar",
I use that code to insert the first 23 million documents. After approximately 10 million inserts, I could see that performance of MongoDB and my script went down. Another problem was that some documents (~5000) were not inserted due to errors I did not checked for. What have I learned? That I have to check for errors and even when it is not a measurable problem in an almost empty database, of course, insert
is more expensive than find_one
while () {
chomp( my $plaintext = $_ );
next if defined( $mongo_coll->find_one( { plaintext => $plaintext } ) );
eval {
"plaintext" => "$plaintext",
"foo" => "bar",
{ safe => 1 }
$logger->error($@) if $@;
At the end, one could say that it would have been obvious that the final solution is the best. Yes, it is how I would have done it with MySQL. But I wanted to become familiar with it and was wondering whether MongoDB would act similar or not. Now I can be sure.